
Technical insanity at its best!

Entries for the ‘humor’ Category

We R Stuck Hear in Irak

I’m sure you have all heard about John Kerry’s slip up on the news. I like the banner I found on Michelle’s website though: Technorati : John Kerry, banner, funny, humor, picture

Microsoft Aquires Firefox

Or so the site says! http://www.msfirefox.com/ I love funny parodies like this. Technorati Tags: Microsoft, Firefox, funny, humor, news, aquires, parody

Down with the Voting Machine Hackers!

Or not? Would it be such a bad thing if the voting machines were hacked? In my books, anyone smart enought to hack such a machine should have more control of the figureheads leading this country than the average guy that votes based on the names he can pronounce or has heard more commercials of, […]

Pedro Watches TV!

The other night I took a quick video of pedro with my camera as he watched TV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1WkIjMAICI Technorati Tags: funny, humor, pedro, dog, tv

Some children’s books that never got published…..

“The wimp who didn’t chase his ball across the street” “You’re never too young to Masturbate” “Lets throw Rocks at Retards” “The Shame Of Adoption.” “Let’s Run Along The Highway” “The Secret At The Bottom Of The Pool” “You Were an Accident” “Strangers Have the Best Candy” “Whatever happened to the Little Sissy Who Snitched?” […]

Joke of the Day

A woman hit her golf ball into the woods and found a frog caught in a trap. The frog said to her, “If you release me from this trap, I will grant you three wishes with the condition whatever you wish for, your husband will get ten times more or better.” For her first wish […]

Guy Browning offers 20 top tips for surviving life in the workplace

This list is great! 11 Don’t drink under the influence of work Alcohol and business don’t mix, which is why you really shouldn’t bother with work if you like a drink. Excessive drinking at work makes you feel sociable, light-headed and confident. In other words, it makes you feel like you work in sales. The […]

Ways to Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity….

At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don’t Disguise Your Voice. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with that. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk […]

Top Ten Signs you are a Geek

Your friends call you for computer problems constantly The number of computers in your house is more than the number of people You have more than one wireless access point in your house More bedrooms are filled with computers than people You know your WEP key by heart Your house has more than one VLAN […]

The most annoying co-worker personalities

This was sent to me this morning and I thought it was worthy to post… The Borrower: Always takes things from your desk, and you never see them again. The Groper: Always finds a way to put a hand on your shoulder or brush against you in meetings. The Close-talker: If she gets any closer […]