
Technical insanity at its best!

Taser Death Close to Home

I have been hearing about all the deaths around the country caused by taser guns issued to cops, but this one hits pretty close to home.

Father wants answers in son’s death

I might be wrong, but I don’t remember anybody ever dying from pepper spray. Maybe we should go back to a safer alternative than the new taser guns.

Really, Really Busy!

I am bringing a new mail server online for my company and other new year things, so I have been too busy to post normally, but should be back in the flow soon…

Apple Decides to Stick It to the Users One More Time

In Steve’s keynote today he announced a few new things in the Apple arsenal including the new MacBook Air.

Also Steve showed off some new software for the iPod Touch and the iPhone. Apparently after the rebate fiasco with the early adopters of the iPhone, he decided to let them off the hook this time while he stuck it to the iPod Touch early adapters by charging $20 for the same software that will be loaded on all new iPod Touches out the door after today.

I really don’t understand his selling methodology though as Apple also decided to release new software for their unpopular Apple TV product and on that one they dropped the price.

Go figure.

Apparently Wall Street wasn’t impressed either as Apple stock took a pretty good tumble today along with the rest of the market.

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Diamond Class Action Lawsuit

This may be the only reason I regret waiting so long to buy an engagement ring.

Seriously, I missed the cutoff by like 4 months…

If you didn’t, make sure you get your piece of the pie by following the instructions given in the link above.

Money Makes Us All Do Strange Things

Think that money does not influence your actions that much?

Well you are wrong. According to this report, money and greed has a lot to do with choices you make, whether you realize it or not. And it’s not just humans that act this way, the study shows that monkeys given the same tests act in the same manner.

I guess this builds the evolution case just a little bit more…

NBA Replay – Game Protest Granted

For the first time in 25 years, the NBA has granted a game protest and the Miami Heat will be able to replay the last 51.9 seconds of their last game against the Atlanta Hawks.

This game will take place directly before their next matchup in March.

This will most likely be the shortest basketball game in NBA history.

I’m not much of a basketball fan, but this was kinda interesting to witness an event that only happens a few times a century…

This will probably be the only NBA game I watch this year!

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Microsoft Tries to be Funny

Apparently Microsoft has seen the huge success of Apple’s TV advertisements that pick fun at the dorky looking Windows guy and wanted to claim a piece of the humor pie for themselves:

The Lone Server

So far, they have a long way to go to match Apple…

Crazy Eight for 08 – 8 things you don’t know about me

I’ve been tagged by Rob to fill out one of these social meme things…

  1. I’ve started and quit college three times in my life while obtaining my bachelor’s degree.
  2. I’ve read almost every Stephen King book published.
  3. Even though I am a “geek” by most definitions of the word, I hate Star Trek & Star Wars.
  4. I live and breathe technology, but sometimes wish I owned or managed a construction related company.
  5. The only TV programming I watch on the SciFi channel is Ghost Hunters.
  6. I often daydream of directing horror films.
  7. I despise MySpace and most other social networking sites, but wish I had thought of the idea (Although I am starting to like Facebook…)
  8. I’ve been through 2 tornadoes in my life

I know this list isn’t real exciting, but most people know a lot about me. I don’t really hide anything.

I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you want to participate in the fun go ahead.

I’m back

I know I took a few days off due to sickness, but I’m back now and the blog continues!

As 2008 opens, the war in Iraq continues.

Please read this last post of a fallen soldier.

Off the Grid

Came down with a head cold last night so I’m just taking it easy for a day or two…

Remember Monday night I’ll be DJ’ing in Driscoll for New Years Eve.