
Technical insanity at its best!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Turkey Day to everyone!

Sell your electronic junk

Have an old iPod or game console to unload?

Working or not, try BuyMyTronics.com.

Prices seem fair, although this time of season eBay may be your best bet…

Black Friday Sales

Once again, we are in the home stretch to Black Friday.

Once again, I will be getting up early to brave the cold (and the other shopping idiots) to claim my share of the savings.

This year I don’t plan on buying a big screen TV so I can skip the rat race at Best Buy which is usually full of teenagers rushing in to get $5 movies that you can buy online for the exact same price anyway. Not to mention the fact that they camped overnight in sub-freezing temperatures to do it…

But I digress…

Nope this year the only thing that strikes my fancy is the $400 GB SATA hard drives at Staples for $59 each.

I’m still trying to decide how many I’ll be buying but I’m leaning somewhere between 5 and 8…

For the last two years, Staples has had 160Gb and 200GB drives for $29 each year and I bought about 5 a year and ran out of drives every year (by the next Black Friday) so I’m thinking of upping the ante this year.

If nothing else, it makes a great tax deduction for my businesses, Internet Wonders and BisMan Backup

Which makes me think of something….

Let’s do a Black Friday sale for my business. This Friday only, all new customers can take 40 percent off of the first year regular price of a backup plan at BisMan Backup. (That’s one full year of automated data backup for less than $120!)

All day Friday. Just email me on Friday and refer to my “Black Friday” sale…

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Windows Vista = ME V2

If you haven’t seen the new Apple Get a Mac ad,go and watch it.

This is the best one yet. I love the line about “don’t ask what Vista can do for you, but ask what you can buy for Vista.”

“If your printer does not work with Vista, buy a new one.”

But they saved the best line for last. You’ll have to watch it to find out!

Speaking of Vista, I had to use it last night in order to VPN into work (long story). Anyway after 10 minutes of use I couldn’t wait to boot back to Ubuntu.

Why would anyone waste their money on Vista?

What a Weekend

For nothing really planned, except for a DJ gig out in Driscoll on Saturday, the weekend went really fast.

It’s amazing how when one needs to, they can can keep theirself occupied…

More to come tomorrow…

Plane vs Car

A cool video for your Friday enjoyment

HANS Disclaimer

I now own Hansen Natural Corporation (HANS) stock. They are the makers of the Monster energy drink.

After missing last quarter’s targets they had a sharp decrease in stock price, so I figured I could ride them back up as the energy drink market seems to be growing in leaps and bounds…

Start a Bank of America Checking Account…

And receive $100!

It’s amazing the cost of advertising these days. That a bank will spend $100 to acquire a new customer that may leave after the check cashes is pretty risky…

I haven’t decided if I’m going to sign up or not since there is no local branch.

I do know that I have been thinking about getting a bank account with a national bank sometime though… (Right now I only deal with local banks.)

I’ve heard a lot of bad things about Bank of America though. But it is a hundred bucks! Maybe I’ll just take the money and run!

Let’s Talk Houses

As most of you already know, our house is on the market for sale.

While going through the process when we bought our last house, I thought to myself that it would be great if there was a way to discuss properties on the market with other potential buyers.

I know I can see new listings with pictures as they come out via MLS but the pictures are always the best angles of the house and you never get “the rest of the story” without actually taking a tour.

This can potentially waste a lot of time going from house to house if you have certain “deal breakers” when shopping for a home.

If I had a way to communicate with either the owners or other potential buyers, I could have saved myself a lot of time looking.

When we purchases our current house I thought the same thing. I felt the same way the last time we were on the market just a few weeks ago.

Well, I decided to do something about it.

I created a website that automatically lists new properties as they hit the market and allows anyone to comment on them. All new properties from Bismarck, Mandan, and the surrounding areas that are in MLS will be listed.

You can also look back and see what was listed on a certain day of a certain month, as well as upcoming open houses.

Go ahead take a look and let me know what you think!


Oh, and be sure to start the discussion on a house or two!

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GM Goes Hybrid

GM is the first full size truck manufacturer to release a hybrid model.

Gains of 40% fuel efficiency in town and 25% overall.

Not bad, not bad at all…

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