
Technical insanity at its best!

Flight of Terror

I might have posted this story before, but it never gets old.

I’m not quite sure what I find so fascinating about the recount of the Gimli Glider but the suspense of the writing is rather good.

The World We Live In…

I had a very disturbing incident happen on Friday on the drive home from work.

About halfway home at an intersection waiting for the protected turn, I was the first car in line.

While waiting for the light I noticed a young girl cross the street right in front of me. She must have been about 9 or 10 years old.

I didn’t pay much attention until I noticed a small brown item fall from her purse/bag she was carrying and fall to the ground directly beside my passenger front bumper.

If I would have had my pickup, I would have rolled down the window and yelled to the girl that she dropped something. But I didn’t, I had my car. And the power window on my car does not work on the driver’s side.

This means that I would have had to get out of the vehicle to get the young girl’s attention. I strained over the steering wheel to try to discover exactly what had fallen free onto the ground and my best guess was that it was some type of protective case for a phone or possibly an mp3 player.

I reached for the door handle to get out and either get the girl’s attention or grab the item and catch up with the girl at the next block once the light turned green.

Then it hit me. How soon would it take someone to phone in to the cops that a car without plates (I just bought it) is trying to sollicite the attention of an minor and obviously a very young female minor.

I froze without opening the door and about the same time the light turned green. I continued on my drive home, leaving the object in the rearview mirror along with every other driver behind me.

On the rest of the way home it really bothered me that I could not / did not help this girl, that for all I know just lost her new phone that she saved for all summer…

It is a sick world we live in when you have to worry about getting accused of such atrocities for a simple act of kindness.


Boy, I hate Mondays…

Teenagers in the News

I really liked this story for the simple fact that it shows that not all teenagers are the delinquents we paint them to be.

Now this is news. I like hearing good things for a change. The world is full of bad things.

Let’s hear more good…

Smart People and Such

Did you know that the world’s 2nd smartest person (IQ of 195) is a bouncer at a bar?

What a waste of potential.

If you are interested here is the unofficial list of smarties.

And an IQ test if you are feeling brave…

The score to beat is a 136 by yours truly…

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Gotta love America

I found this post rather amusing…


And yes, I do believe it. But only in America…

First Snow of the Season

I woke up this morning to find the ground almost completely white.

I’m not sure I’m ready for winter yet, but we have been pretty lucky so far this year as to get our first snow in November…

Behold the Power of Web

Everyday the internet makes the world a smaller place:


What a sicko

Can we get senators and representatives that aren’t sexual monsters in office?

Key Evidence In Klaudt E-mails

Guitar Hero III Rocks!

I finally found a video game that can capture my attention for more than 20 minutes.

We bought Guitar Hero III last Sunday and I bet I have logged about 15 hours on it since we got it. I can’t believe how addictive this game is!

If you have a console from the last few years (PS2, PS3, Wii, XBox, XBox 360) you can play!

Guitar Hero

This would make a great Christmas gift for any gamer on your list!

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