
Technical insanity at its best!

A New Meaning to “Black Friday” Deals!

Today I decided to make a purchase that may or may not pan out in the future.

I bought a casket off of overstock.com.

No, I really don’t plan on dieing anytime soon, but I figured it may be a worthwhile investment. Given the cost of inflation, I figure when I die a casket will probably cost about the same as a new car does now. That’s a savings of almost twenty thousand dollars. That’s a sizable amount of less life insurance I have to carry from now on.

What about storage you may ask?

I figure it will be more of a pleasure to store than burden. I mean, this is the ultimate Halloween prop. Who else can say they have a real casket in their living room. I think it will make a great coffee table.

I can’t wait to lie in it during my favorite holiday of the year when all the little trick or treaters come to my door and then have them escorted up to the edge of it and I will all of a sudden sit up and throw candy at them. Can you imagine the nightmares those little brats will have? I ought to get in cahoots with a child psychiatrist to get a cutback on referrals…

The ideas are endless.

If this thing is actually as comfortable as they look, I plan on using it instead of the couch on those late poker and dart nights, when I am refused entry to my bedroom by the better half.

I could wake up in the morning and honestly say I slept like the dead.

Can you imagine the looks you would get when you moved? Just imagine 4 guys carrying a casket out of the house into the moving truck! The neighbors would talk for years. It would be like living next to the Burbs, only in real life!

The naysayers may think that I will never get to use it though, as by the time I die, cremation will be the only legal option for burial due to space constraints. Even if that is the case, this thing is made out of 18-gauge steel. You have any idea what steel will be worth in 60 or 80 years? You think the price of metals are high now. Give it another 60 or 80 years of inflation driven by a Republican economy roughly fifty percent of the time…

The only thing that bothers me is that the warranty is only 30 days and it has a 1 to 6 week delivery time. So there is a very good chance that once I receive it, it may already be out of warranty. I don’t know what could really go wrong with it, but maybe the door hinge only has a lifespan of a few openings, cause I mean much more than under normal use that and you probably have a bigger problem than a broken hinge anyway…

I’m not sure what the restocking fee is or if they even allow it, but the real question is who checks these types of returns when they come back to judge if it’s been used or not? What does a job like this pay? What do you even call it? Coffin Defecation Stain Checker?

Anyway, if anyone knows of a good deal on a used hearse, let me know. I just might be in the market!

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Happy Halloween!

Here’s a trick for all my readers fed up with all the credit card offers they receive in the mail.

Use them to send your garbage back to the credit card companies!

So Soon?

I never thought I would see Bill Gates fall to “only” the world’s third richest man so soon…

Political Funny

Does anyone else find it amusing that the following website:


goes to a page about George W. Bush?

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Something to do before I die…

A couple of years ago when I was out in Long Beach, CA, I missed the chance to go aboard the Queen Mary.

I really regret this as I am somewhat of a ghost tourist (if that is such a thing)! At any rate I enjoy spooky stuff and was really mad that they had closed for the day minutes before my arrival…

One place that I do want to visit before I die though is the Winchester House in San Jose, CA.

Maybe I will just have to book a flight back out to California and hit both destinations… With the recent wildfires, I should probably do this sooner than later as who knows how long anything is really around for, huh?

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Tone-Loc song in real life (Funky Cold Medina)

Not everyday that stuff like this happens

Clip of referenced song:

I went up to this girl, she said, “Hi, my name is Sheena”

I thought she’d be good to go with a little Funky Cold Medina

She said, “I’d like a drink,” I said, “Ehm – ok, I’ll go get it”

Then a couple sips she cold licked her lips, and I knew that she was with it

So I took her to my crib, and everything went well as planned

But when she got undressed, it was a big old mess, Sheena was a man

So I threw him out, I don’t fool around with no Oscar Meyer wiener

You must be sure that the girl is pure for the Funky Cold Medina

Amazon Links Plugin

I had a plugin on the site that was supposed to auto insert Amazon affiliate links, but all it really did was slow the site down.

It’s gone.

I hate stuff that slows down websites…

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Who Says Blogging Isn’t Cool?

I might have a very popular blog with only a few thousand or so unique visitors a month, but in that little pool of regulars I’ve found friendships that can last a lifetime.

Because of blogging, my instant messenger contact list grows every month. Because of blogging, my referrals for new clients have increased steadily. Because of blogging, I find answers that Google does not.

Case in point: I had a new venture (not big, but a cool niche) weighing on my mind for a couple of weeks now whether to proceed with or not. I didn’t really have a neutral third party to bounce it off of until I looked through my instant messenger contacts.

Low and behold, I see Rob in the list, (who has probably seen more startups and business plans in his lifetime than most investment bankers).

After a few minutes of discussion I feel a lot better about my plans and I couldn’t have gotten that feeling after shooting the crap with “the guys” at the local pub that have no idea on what I do or how the whole Internet thing works.

Sure I could ask someone “in the business”, but those opinions are usually jaded when it involves something local or where personal opinions/experiences might come into play.

I guess what I’m saying is that it’s nice to have someone you can trust hundreds of miles away to bounce ideas off of all made possible by blogging! Thanks again Rob!

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KX in the News

KX News was picked on recently by a national site for mis-reporting that Blackle is owned by Google.

See the KX News story here and the online mockery of it here.

I almost feel bad for them but it really is basic reporting to check your facts before publishing.

I’m not sure if some of the smaller outlets think they will never be called out for their printings of mis-truths or if it’s just lazy reporting.

As many times as I have been mis-quoted by reporters I would say it is the latter…

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Weird Coincidences

Like I had mentioned before, we are in the process of selling our house.

Much to my amazement, I noticed at lunch that our previous house just hit the market today also.

Is that weird or what?

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