
Technical insanity at its best!

PostSecret, Oh Where Art You?

My typical Sunday morning browsing starts with a stop at PostSecret which is an ongoing artistic effort that posts secrets sent in on postcards by its loyal followers.

This morning I was greeted with a “page not found” type error.

Hopefully the site will come back cause I really enjoyed the new secrets every week.

I hope that National Security is not the reason as this site suggests!

Powered by ScribeFire.

Bismarck Mandan Linux Users Group

Last night I attended my first meeting with the Bismarck Mandan Linux Users Group (BisManLUG). I have to admit, I didn’t even know we had a local users group until a couple of days ago.

Top notch stuff. There was a demo on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet PC that I have been lusting over for quite some time now. With almost full support for any ported gtk+ app, this little unit is the real deal. The resolution was amazing and the battery life was nothing to sneeze at either. The owner said the wi-fi reach was outstanding. This might have to find it’s way into my budget…

Next on the BisManLUG agenda was the InstallFest that is set for this Saturday (September 15th) at the Bismarck Library. I plan on stopping by and seeing some open source installs in action. I always love it when the average person discovers Linux for the first time. I think the install of choice tomorrow is Ubuntu, so bring down your current or old computer and discover what open source is all about!

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NxE’s Fifty Most Influential Bloggers

Finally a list of highlighted bloggers that deserves recognition.

Half of the time, the lists put out to the internet are nothing more than linkbait, but this list seems to be quite good.

I can’t say I read ever one, religiously anyway, but I would say I am subscribed to about 90% of them. (The reasons for the rest is either traffic overload or attitude clashes.)

I am “only” subscribed to about 180 feeds so if you make the list out of millions of blogs, you must be doing something right.

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What the Pentecostal church is like for a kid

V, has done it again with an absolutely hilarious account of her church going childhood:

During the crisis that was my Mother’s dating life, she became involved
with a man named Ron who was extremely religious. Ron was a very devout
member of the Pentecostal Church and longed for a family who maintained
similar views. Within seconds of uttering this desire to my Mother, our
entire family suddenly became firm believers in the Pentecostal faith.

Read the rest

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Perception of World by Americans

I got a kick out of this:

Perception of World by Americans

Sad thing is, some people have only this depth of thinking…

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Virtualization, not the friend it used to be?

Jon Galloway rips on using virtualized machines as a way to get work done. His point is that we take fast PC’s and make slow machines of yesterday out of them by creating virtualized OS’s inside of/on top of them.

In some ways I agree, but in other areas I think he is off base a little bit.

For the most part it looks like he is talking about Virtual PC on a Windows host, and yes I agree the performance level in this type of setup is completely sub-par.

Jon, I invite you to try out the wonderful world of Linux and virtualization. I run 2 Linux (Ubuntu) machines utilizing both VM-ware server and Virtual Box to host multiple (yes multiple) virtualized OS’s running at the same time. Loss of performance is a mute point.

A fresh install of XP SP2 on Virtual Box will boot in about 15 seconds with only 512 MB of RAM. You can’t even do that with dedicated hardware. (Out of the box anyway)

The best part about using a Linux host for virtualization, is that you can take all the memory but about 256 MB from the host and dish it out to the VM’s. Linux doesn’t need much more than that to run efficiently as a VM host. I do it all day long.

Another thing you missed about virtualizing machines is the portability factor. If I want to take my entire development environment with me on the road via only my usb hard drive, I can. When Microsoft releases a new “patch” that completely hoses my development machine I can roll back via snapshot. When I want to save huge amounts of electricity by only running 2 decent (dual core, 2-4 GB ram, 1TB hard drive) machines instead of the 8 equivalent machines it would take to reproduce my environment, I can.

I agree with you Jon, that virtualization may not be the most elegant solution, but it is, so far, the best solution especially when utilized on a Linux rather than Windows host.

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Why do we do this again?

Just saw this post over on Rob’s blog, which makes you sit back and ask yourself, “Why is it again, we all work so hard?

That really puts things into perspective!

Oh, well back to work. I wish I would have read that 10 years ago before I got so entangled in the “process”…

And then…

Sorry that it has been a few days. I’ve been really, really busy.

Here is a short recap:

-My dad’s birthday
-organized the opening of a physical office for my company in town
-catching up on projects for clients
-played in the annual softball tournament in Driscoll this weekend
-setting up a few new services to offer in my business
-working on bringing back a few “light level” servers back to the new office in town
-working on creating a backup date center at the new office
-ordered and implementing 4 new servers at the office
-looking for office furniture (anyone know where to find a good L-desk?)
-sold my dartboards
-moved a crap load of stuff to the new office
-signed a couple of new clients
-played a few hours of poker last night
-am only about 24 hours behind on email and RSS feeds

So, as you can see, it’s been a rough 10 or so days of working, working, and more working.

How Political Polls Change the Final Outcome

I really think political polls done previous to an election, changes the final outcome.

Think about it.

If you are like me, you don’t really follow things too closely the months leading up to election. You kind of take the “wait and see” method of voting. You simply wait for all the scandals to come out in the open and then pick your choice based on which scandal your morals and ethics will allow you to elect.

This is where polls come in.

Take this poll for example.

There are two things I do not like about this poll.

Number one: A republican is leading the race. I think we’ve seen the damages of late and I’m not sure that another republican in office is our best option, especially with a democratic majority in Congress. Nothing like a good old headlock when it comes to decision making.

Number two: Hillary is in the top four. I’m not saying that I don’t want a woman to be president. Because I really don’t care. Just not that woman.

Does anybody realize that if Hillary is elected, two families will have ruled this country for at least 28 years? (By the time she finished her first term).

Also if there is a woman in this country that has something to be mad about, it should be Hillary. For Christ’s sake her husband cheated on her in front of the whole country with a fat intern that doesn’t have the decency to wash the dress when she is done. If you think adultery will not become a crime punishable by death or public stoning during her tenure, you have another think coming. Not that I believe in adultery, I just like to see Americans keep some of the few freedoms we have left after The Dictator Decider is out of office.

OK, so now your asking me how this poll will change the outcome of the race.

Well, when I look at it, there are two things I need to change about it. So I’m going to do my hardest to convince all my friends to vote against these two candidates for the same reasons I outlined above.

I really think being ahead in the polls is a bad thing. Everyone wants to take down the top dog. If I were running for president I would not even announce my decision to run until about 3 weeks before the election and then put out a viral “will it blend” video.

Who wouldn’t like to see a video of something getting blended to pieces, like say, a political career?

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Ten Life Lessons I’ve Learned In The Pursuit of Getting Rich

Number 2 on the list really made me smile because I have witnessed it twice in my career first hand:

2. Assistant Manager of an apartment community: Beware of
people who tell you how honest they are, and if they mention the Lord
within the first five minutes of any business transaction, hold on to
your wallet. (My dad who owned his own business for 30 years said the
worst thing about gettin’ screwed by somebody religious is they expect
you to forgive ‘em.)

Read the full list