
Technical insanity at its best!

Can someone get that phone already?

Kinda been suffering from a little blog burnout the last couple days. Maybe not burnout, but more like not enough time to think of anything to post.

Been really busy. Lining up some new business ventures…

Don’t worry I’ll be in touch real soon!

Stock Market

I always find it amusing that when all the stocks in my list that I watch everyday are down, the Tesoro stock is always up.

I swear I should really invest in Tesoro as their stock is up huge in the last year or so.

I guess that’s the only way you can curtail the screwing you take at the gas pump is by claiming your share of their stock increase…

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College is Good, mmkay?

Violent Acres hits the nail on the head about college and the amazing fact that everyone in this country thinks they cannot do anything but work at Burger King without a college degree.

Absolute crap.

I consider myself to be successful for my age. Granted I’m not a millionaire by any means, but I also don’t have a cent of college debt.

I seriously think the only thing a four year degree tells an employer is that you have the ability to put up with someone else’s crap (namely the arrogant college instructors who don’t have an ounce of real life experience but they can teach you everything you need to know cause it’s right here in this damn textbook) for four years.

You know what I’ve learned in all the college classes I’ve taken over the years?

I wish I had something to tell you, but I don’t.

Oh wait, I do. I learned that if you play along by the rules, get your homework in on time and participate when asked by responding how expected you can pass any class without any proof of knowledge learned.

In other words regurgitation. Or communism, depending how you look at it.

The college systems in this nation are severely flawed. The last time I saw someone graduate from college ready to take on the world was…

Well don’t have an example there either because anyone I know that had the backbone to start their own company or make something of themselves dropped out of college and left the hive. With no regrets.

Now, go do something your told you worker bee, you.

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Military Hand Signals

In case you ever wondered what all those hand signals meant…

Quite comical towards the end…

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Pics of the Bridge Collapse

Here are some of the best pictures I’ve seen so far of the 35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis, MN.

I know the site isn’t in English, but the pics are the best I’ve found so far…

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Bridge Aftermath

I, like many others, have been watching the 35W bridge tragedy in Minneapolis unfold over the last couple days and it seems the footage never gets old.

It’s really amazing how the bridge just collapsed without warning.

Not sure why, but there is just something about this photo

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Irresponsible Reporting

I was passed a link to a recent article by the Wall Street Journal.

I remember there used to be a time I respected the Wall Street Journal and it’s responsible reporting, but that time is coming to a close. (Especially after they construed my interview a few months ago…)

Anyway, their latest piece is anything but responsible reporting from a newspaper with such a huge business readership…

Not surprising, it was the same journalist that wrote both articles…

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If you build it, they will copy

Last night I was watching YouTube on the Wii. (I tell you it’s better than cable for a guy with TV Attention Deficit Disorder…)

Anyway I stumbled across this video blogger that reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it so I watched the rest of the video and yup, it’s a little Ze Frank.

I’m not gonna tell you who it is, cause well ghost rider, thats your assignment tonight.

Fire up your internet connection and see if you can find any video blogger copycats.

Go, go now!

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I’d say that is about right…

American Cities That Best Fit You:

80% Las Vegas

70% Atlanta

65% Austin

65% Denver

65% San Diego

Song Emotion

You ever notice that no matter what you are feeling, there always seems to be a song to go along with you mood?

Can you imagine what that would be like in conversation if we just said song titles instead of what we are thinking?

I think it would save a lot of time and get the point across a lot better than what you could craft in your own words…

Just the artist would tell people what kind of mood you are in. The genre could pretty much do the same thing.

Today my moods are swinging so much the guy next to me must be wondering what kind of mix I got going on in my headphones.

Just a hint it has ranged from Metallica to Chicago. Yeah I know wide range. In other words a really screwed up kinda day.

What’s your song today?