System Administrator Day
Today is System Administrator Day.
Go out and celebrate however you see fit.
Me? I plan on having a cold beer…
Technorati Tags: sysadminday
Today is System Administrator Day.
Go out and celebrate however you see fit.
Me? I plan on having a cold beer…
Technorati Tags: sysadminday
I’m a blackberry user and don’t have much ambition to ever own an iPhone. Regardless of the carrier. (I currently cannot use AT&T as they do not have service here.)
At any rate, here is a matrix showing the feature set of both:
Technorati Tags: blackberry, iphone
Remember a few weeks back when I posted about the suicide of a retired state prosecutor that was the result of the invasion of the cameras from the NBC show, To Catch a Predator?
Well it turns out his family has launched a lawsuit against NBC to the tune of 105 million dollars.
I’m guessing To Catch a Predator has reached its life expectancy…
I was reading Rob’s post on his back pain ordeals today and remembered back to when I was in college.
I was working for a local beet farmer driving semi. They had just hired a new hand and he was hooking up a digger to the tractor when I was pulling through the yard with the semi. He flagged me over and I stopped to see what was the matter.
I had a pretty good hunch and it turns out I was spot on. On that particular tractor the hydraulic hoses for the digger were a royal pain in the butt to hook up or unhook.
The new guy had hooked them up backwards and wanted the lever to work the other way so he was trying to switch them around and couldn’t unhook them.
So I proceeded to lend a hand and gave it a good tug. When it still wouldn’t budge I really “put my back in to it”.
That was a huge mistake. I felt something pull and next thing I knew I was on the ground and could barely breathe. (It turned out he had never un-locked the locking mechanism to prevent un-hooking during operation).
At any rate I was in pain.
Lots of pain.
I tried to climb back into my truck to continue driving my shift and after about ten minutes of excruciating pain I managed to make it into the drivers seat only to find that I was unable to run the clutch.
I radioed my boss via the CB radio and explained the situation and thankfully he was understanding and we were not short drivers so he told me to go home and get some rest.
Only problem was I was ten miles from town and over 200 miles from my real home. (It was a Friday evening, so there was no class until the following Monday.)
Well I got into my pickup for the drive back to town and laid the seat back almost flat until I was able to run the pedals without severe discomfort.
On the drive in I realized that there would be no-one I knew back at my dorm to help me out over the weekend so I figured I might get hungry by Monday. (It was a suitcase college and like 90% of the students went home every weekend.)
Well I opted to stop at a Burger King and get some grub. After I ordered I realized my wallet with my money was in my back pocket. In order to reach around to grab it, I needed to twist my back just enough to create immense pain.
I actually had to put the vehicle in park and try to wriggle my wallet out of my pocket. By the time I made it to the drive through window, I had tears in my eyes from the severe pain. The look on the kids face that handed me my order was complete confusion. Looking back I bet I was quite the site!
I ended up crawling through the campus parking lot to the dorm as it was easier than walking the quarter mile.
I spent the entire weekend in my dorm room without food, besides a stale, half eaten bag chips that thankfully my roommates had left behind. I actually slept on the floor cause I had the top bunk in our room and there was no way I could climb up into it.
That was some of the worst pain I’ve ever had. Every breath hurt. In fact it hurt so much that you couldn’t even breathe.
Rob, I know your pain.
I wish I would have saved the leftover change the last time I went to Canada (about 8 years ago).
I think the exchange rate then was about 65 cents on the American dollar.
Now it looks like the Canadian dollar is worth more than its US version.
Way to go Georgy.
Man with tiny brain leads normal life.
This should be pretty well known not? I mean, Bush has been doing it for about 8 years now…
Technorati Tags: Bush, small brain
Don’t buy sandals from Walmart
I guess I do sometimes, but man I think I’ll wash them first from now on!
I put my first scratch on my pickup today. Well actually it wasn’t the first. It was the first that I can’t easily cover up. The first scratches are in the box from my generator vibrating against the box side. This really didn’t bother me because I plan to put that box coating stuff on sometime in the next year or two and those scratches will be a thing of the past.
The one I put on today is much harder to hide. It’s right on the hood.
Dead center.
I usually back into my driveway and back under the 5th wheel hitch of my camper. That is the only way I can get the pickup fully off the sidewalk. Today was one of those days I just drove up to the hitch cause the garbage container was in the way on the street. (Today is garbage day).
Anyway, you guessed it. I got to close. In my defense the hood edge is really hard to see on my truck cause it does a steep nose dive for the last 6 inches or so and from the cab it looks like it doesn’t even exist.
At any rate I now have a couple of scratches and a small dent where a hood ornament would normally be placed on a model so equipped with one.
Maybe that’s what I’ll do. Just put on a hood ornament to cover the damage!
According to this article I’m in high demand.
I have lots of experience in all 12 areas. Employers should practically be knocking my door down to hire me right?
Only if you live in silicon valley.
Here in the Midwest IT folks still get the shaft in the compensation area compared to their valley counterparts.
Once again I am getting rid of some stuff that’s not being used in our house anymore.
Items that need to go:
Leave a comment or email me, if you are interested in anything. First come, first serve.
I know, I’ll think of more, but there is most of the big stuff that’s in the way…
Technorati Tags: for sale