
Technical insanity at its best!

Offline for a few days…

I will be enjoying the weekend camping starting tonight.

Not to worry though as I have a few posts scheduled to hit the site while I’m gone.

I’ll be at Nelson Lake if you have the urge to go camping this weekend…

Impeach Bush Poll

Pretty hard to argue with the majority…

Impeach Bush Poll

Go Vote Now

WordPress 2.2, not impressed

After updating this site to WordPress 2.2 I notice all kinds of little quirks, like when in the dashboard and I go to the manage link, no posts are listed (but the pages are…)

Tons of plugins don’t work with the latest release and half of the time when I make a change or add a new post and hit submit, I am greeted with a blank page.

Tried in Firefox, IE, and Opera on Linux (Ubuntu) and Windows XP.

It’s not the client, it’s the software…

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Blackberry to Q

I am a blackberry fan.

I am not a Verizon fan.

Due to Verizon’s inability to cater to Blackberry users by offering them the latest model phones (ie: those that are not discontinued), I am switching over to a Motorola Q.

I will let you know how it goes…

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Performancing Needs to Link More

I just read an article over at Performancing.com referencing Netscape over Digg. I got through their reasoning and was ready to surf over to Netscape and check out their offering and how it compares to Digg.

I scrolled back up through the post to look for a link.



In fact there was not a link in the entire post, yet there could have been one for each side. (It turns out it is just netscape.com but the last time I was on netscape.com all I saw was download links for their browser and aged news stories, granted it’s been a few years…)

Refusing links to your readers is not improving readership, in fact it hurts it.

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GE Dishwasher recall

Anyone with a GE dishwasher better check the list of recalled units

Fire hazard strikes dishwashers again…

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WordPress 2.2 – Plugin Problems

Well I got this blog updated to WordPress 2.2

I’m not happy. Trying the upgrade the other day broke some things after I reverted back so I tried it again, this time disabling plugins before I did.

Now it went as expected.

What didn’t though was the re-enabling of plugins.

Two plugins that I really like (Subscribe to Comments, and the Stats plugin from WordPress themselves) don’t work.

They cause a fatal error on activation.

I guess I will have to wait for new releases, but I also won’t be upgrading my other WordPress blogs until this is resolved…

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Testing Ubuntu Live CD on Laptops

When I bought my laptop in January, I wanted to make sure Ubuntu would have an easy time finding all the drivers for the hardware.

What better way to do this than with a live cd?

Anyway I figured they would be kind of weary of me booting a laptop with the Ubuntu live CD, especially when the boot menu option says “Install Ubuntu”.

I asked one of the employees at Staples and they obliged, although they were a little hesitant.

All went well and I ended up purchasing the laptop (an HP) because of it.

This guy did not have the same luck with Dell, interesting since you would think the Dell people would be a little more knowledgeable since they will be selling Dells preloaded with Ubuntu in the near future…

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College is out!

I am really enjoying not having assignments to do every night.

I wish it was permanent… But, I signed up for more classes this summer, I know a glutton for punishment…

WordPress 2.2 released, still waiting

Well, I see WordPress 2.2 was released today and I went to upgrade which has always been a simple task.

Not today. Put all the files over and ran the upgrade script to be met with a blank html page.

I was able to update some other sites but not this one. I was able to go back to 2.1.3 and will wait for another release as some others such as John Chow is doing…

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