
Technical insanity at its best!

Raise your gas prices or be fined!

MERRILL, Wis. – A service station that offered discounted gas to senior citizens and people supporting youth sports has been ordered by the state to raise its prices.

Center City BP owner Raj Bhandari has been offering senior citizens a 2 cent per gallon price break and discount cards that let sports boosters pay 3 cents less per gallon.

But the state
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection says those deals violate Wisconsin’s Unfair Sales Act, which requires stations to sell gas for about 9.2 percent more than the wholesale price.


Government at its best…

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You can sell anything online

Case in Point

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Statutes of Limitations – On Debt?

Most people know that there are limitations set as to how far back a crime is punishable (except murder), but did you know there are similar statutes set on debt repayment?

Here is the list for all states and what their limits are according to debt type.

Remember that all knocks on your credit report go off after 7 years. So if you have carried debt for a long amount of time, without payment, and you are nearing the 7 year mark anyway, it may be best to save yourself the money and let it erase itself.

Of course I don’t recommend it, or carrying any unsecured debt for that matter, but there comes a time when it makes sense to just cut your losses.

And remember, debt collectors are like police officers, they like to prey on victims that are not familiar with their rights. Make sure you educate yourself on your rights before tangling with either…

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Minimum Wage Increase

Whichever side you are on about the minimum wage increase, this graph depicts a startling tale.

Notice how inflation has kicked minimum wage very hard the last few decades?

Scary stuff…

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Impeachment Rumors

There are rumors of late that Cheney and Bush are on the chopping block…

I enjoy the sense of humor of our neighbors to the south:

RAPID CITY — Heather Moriah loves the personalized license plates on
her silver Prius encouraging the impeachment of President George W.

Link with pic of plate

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Minimum Deposit

Did you know that most states have rules to dictate how much a landlord can charge for a security deposit?

If you want to know yours visit nolo.com

Ours happens to be a maximum of one months rent or $1500 if you have a pet.

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Rainy Weekend

Supposed to rain all weekend which is good cause we need it, but bad for my camping plans.

We still might run out to Sibley tonight if it stays clear…


Do this now, before you forget.

Open your phone and enter a contact named ICE. This stands for In Case of Emergency. Put a number to call associated with this new entry.

Also go in and enter mother, brother, sister, father, etc before the contact entries of their actual names (if you don’t do this already).

That way if something should happen to you it makes it easy for help to identify you and contact next or kin or emergency contacts.

Do it. It could save your life.

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Silly kids, 6 figure incomes are not for newbies

Teenagers today think that they are going to make quite a bit of money.
The average teenager believes that they will be earning an salary of
$145,000 a year. Boys believe that they will be earning a salary of
$173,000 per year while girls believe they will be earning $114,000 per
year. This despite the fact that the average annual salary for a worker
in the US is about $40,000 today. Full Link

I remember when I was growing up I thought I would be making $60,000-70,000 right out of college and $100,000 by the time I was 25-30. Boy was I mistaken.

I think my first job paid something like $16,000 a year!

In fact it’s been about 8 years since I graduated high school and I’m just getting into the range I though I would be in way back then.

And I’m lucky. If not for my business and my full time job added together I would still be under of that $60k-70k mark.

I also used to think though that $60k a year would only provide an average life style. In real life that is a little different. Here in the Mid-West $60k a year will give you a pretty decent lifestyle. You won’t be eating caviar and riding in limos to work, but you wont be living on the streets either.

It’s also funny how the amount of money it takes to make you happy is always a moving target. This magical number is usually about 20% more than what you are currently making for the majority of adults.

“If I only made another X amount of dollars a month, things would really turn around…”

At this rate how is anyone ever happy? The secret to achieving financial happiness is spending less than what you earn. If you spend less than what you currently earn it gives you the mentality that you make more than you do.

I only discovered this secret in the last year or so. Up until then I did a lot of buying on credit. If I wanted the lasted gadget or gizmo, out came the credit card. My mentality was that I would be able to afford it once I got my next raise/job/etc.

The truth of the matter is that if you are always buying little things on credit you never get ahead. You never catch up. You are always stuck in a cycle of paying for junk you’ve already used/broke/worn out.

Now I pay cash for the things I buy. Granted cars and campers need a little help from the bank, but otherwise I save before I spend. It is so much more fun to enjoy something that is completely paid for than have the guilt surrounding it because of what you still owe on it.

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100 Useful Ubuntu Links

I’ve been using Ubuntu for over a year now, and frankly I think it has Vista beat. As soon as my college classes are done this semester I will be formatting my new laptop (which came with Vista Home Premium) and installing Ubuntu.

Now that Dell is on board to offer Ubuntu on new Dell laptops and PCs, I don’t see this market getting any smaller.

100 Useful Ubuntu Links

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