
Technical insanity at its best!

Roth IRA and SEP Planning

As most of you know I’m not a huge fan of saving money just to save money. I currently fund my 401k to the max employer match, but other than that I would rather invest my money in items that depreciate slowly than leave it setting in a savings account drawing minuscule interest.

Well, after tax time this year, I have decided to try and change that. Since I have to pay in so much on my un-taxed income from my business at year end, I decided to offset some of that by funding a Roth IRA or a SEP retirement account (which is fully tax deductible.)

I started a Roth IRA (pre-taxed money in, untaxed money out) last week and intend to fund it to the max contribution by next year. Currently the max for this year and 2008 is something like $4000 a year. Invested, somewhat aggressively, this should be in the neighborhood of around 800,000 by retirement if I keep contributing the max until then. (9-10% gain over 40 years)

This year I plan on getting in the habit of paying in monthly as a regular bill and then at year end just dumping in a one time contribution from by business checking account to either max it or come close and then doing that in the future every year.

One thing that is really crappy about having a small business is that if you make under the limits needed to form a corporation, you cannot “carry” any income of funds from one year into the next without paying social security tax on them. (In a sole proprietorship and LLC, everything is counted as personal income.)

So my plan is to offset some of these taxes with a SEP and Roth IRA until I can grow my revenues to a point where I can incorporate. It really turns out to be a win win situation as I get more for retirement and save money on taxes, but it’s hard to just put all that money away and not spend it on something concrete!

Here’s to another 40 years of saving!

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Seeking a Car That Gets 100 Miles a Gallon

The race is on to develop a commercially viable car that can travel 100 miles on a gallon of gasoline.

same group that awarded $10 million to a team that built the first
private spacecraft to leave the earth’s atmosphere is expected to
announce today the rules for its automotive competition.

I’ll be surprised if the oil companies let this come to fruition…

Full Link

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Why Americans Are Fat

This says it all

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Top 100 April Fools Jokes

What are you planning for Sunday? Better think of something quick.

Here is a list of the all time, top 100 April Fools Jokes.

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LEAKED: 5 More Geek Squad Manuals

Looks like the fix all manuals from the Geek Squad at Best Buy have been leaked…

Full Story Here

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How to Beat the Four-Sqare Car Sale

Ever go to the dealership to buy a new car and you get that 4 square “worksheet”?

There is a method to all the number writing madness and here is how to beat it.

How to Beat the Four-Square Worksheet

Great guide and I know the game quite well as I’ve played it many
times. When we bought our last car it took 6 hours but I shaved over
$100 off the lease payment while upgrading the vehicle!

This is a re-post from my tip blog. You can view that post here.

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Update Picture

I really need to update the picture on my blog here. It was a bad photo to start with and is getting worse…

Are we in space?

Kottke mentions Bismarck, ND in a recent post relating to an astronaut running in space for the Boston marathon

If you’re running on a treadmill in Bismarck, North Dakota or Flagstaff Arizona or while orbiting the earth, are you really running the Boston Marathon?

Are we really that far from the rest of the world?

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iTunes – Complete My Album

iTunes released a new feature that I’ve wanted for quite some time:

Complete My Album (iTunes Link)

Perhaps more exciting is the “Complete My Album” feature which was previously rumored late last year.

“Complete My Album” allows customers to purchase the remainder of an album for a discounted price.

you know that if you’ve purchased one or more songs from an eligible
album, you may now be able to buy the rest of the album at a reduced
price? You have up to six months after first downloading a song from an
eligible album to purchase the remainder of the album.

The reasoning behind this strategy is to provide more incentives to
customers to purchase full albums — or at least not penalize them for
buying singles ahead of time. Previously, if you purchased a single
song from iTunes ($.99) and later bought the full album ($9.99), you
were charged twice for that song. This new feature helps avoid that
scenario — at least for certain albums and for a limited period of

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Cord Identification Labels

Looking to get a handle on that mess of cords under your desk or behind your TV?

Wait no more! These Wire Identification Labels will do the trick!

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