
Technical insanity at its best!

Hitler moves to North Dakota

Linux Get list of installed software for reinstallation / restore software

Hardware and Software failures are part of Life. That is why you need to have a backup. I have already written about backing files and MySQL databases. You need not to backup all installed binaries (mostly software) with following tips. It will not just save your time but both Debian and RHEL distro can update them instantly.

In order to reinstall or restore your installed software you need to have a list of all installed software.

via Linux Get list of installed software for reinstallation / restore software.

Sometimes using dpkg and the command line is the simplest route…

The Start to Finish Guide to Rooting Your Android Phone

Rooting your Android device is much like jailbreaking an iPhone. Once rooted, you can make your phone run faster, tether it to your computer, tweak hidden settings to your liking, and more. Here's how to do it on your Motorola Droid.

Rooting essentially means giving yourself root permissions on your phone. It's the equivalent of running programs as administrators in Windows, or running a command with “sudo” in Linux. There are a number of great reasons to root your Android phone, highest among them being speed (through custom ROMs and through overclocking), tethering, and installing apps and widgets from other builds.

via The Start to Finish Guide to Rooting Your Android Phone.

WTF is HTML5 (Infographic) – ImJustCreative

WTF is HTML5 (Infographic) – ImJustCreative.

Very cool info-graphic on HTML 5

What Happens When An Engineer Owns A Dog

All Thats Interesting – What Happens When An Engineer Owns A Dog.

Yardwork and camping

Got the backyard sprayed again tonight since the wind was down. Been really busy lately and camping on the weekends I’m not busy. Spent this last weekend at Jamestown at the reservoir. Nice place but I like to be by water and able to use the four wheeler.

I know, not much interesting to say, but I made a promise to myself that I would start blogging more as I can search history which came in handy the recent week. For more frequent ramblings follow me on Twitter at Twitter.com/midspot

Where I’ve Been

Map courtesy of: http://www.defocus.net/visitedstates/generate.html

Goal is to turn it all green in the next 5 years.

post from iPad

This thing rocks!

Poor fella


Drives a Ford and cheers for the vikings…

How I fixed my droid yesterday

Yesterday, my droid unexpectedly shut off and would not power back on. Here is how I reset it to factory default:

Hard Reset
1. Power off phone
2. Use hardware keyboard
3. Press and hold the ‘X’ key and Power button until you see a screen with an exclamation point inside a triangle
4. Press and hold the Volume Up key then press the Camera button (I had to do this twice) to get menu screen (Linux back-end becomes VERY apparent here)
5. Using the D-pad, select one of the Wipe options (specifically Wipe Data/Factory Reset)
6. Confirm your selection and wait for it to complete
7. Reboot the device

(I kept the SD card out during this process as to not format and wipe my data…)