Fast Weekend
It’s gonna be a fast weekend as Tandra’s work Holiday party is tonight and mine is Saturday night.
Also happy birthday to my sister who turns 21 on Sunday.
It’s gonna be a fast weekend as Tandra’s work Holiday party is tonight and mine is Saturday night.
Also happy birthday to my sister who turns 21 on Sunday.
Last night I went with Tandra to her curling match/game/whatever they call it. I got to play for someone else that couldn’t make it.
I guess I wasn’t impressed.
I did figure out though why they play on ice versus a waxed gym floor: So it would add the entertainment of watching people fall down, which doesn’t happen nearly enough.
I think I should re-write the game to include the rule that you have to wear the “slider” on both feet (which makes it almost impossible to stand up) and replace the “brooms” with spaghetti noodles which would not be much help but boy would it be funny.
I know that most people will disagree with this post. I post it not to agree with their statements but to stress how flawed the system is.
Think about this:
The reason there’s no child support reform is because a fair system would ultimately give them less opportunity to skim money off of the top. Furthermore, over 80% of custody cases end up with the Mother receiving sole physical custody. Why do you suppose that is? Are 80% of the Fathers in this world incapable of loving and nurturing their own children? Or are the courts just banking on Father having more earning power than the Mother? Simply put, it has nothing to do with Mothers being automatically considered the ‘better parent.’ The courts are awarding women the children because they are hoping that a Father can earn a bigger paycheck…..which means a bigger cut for them.
And this (remember this post is written by a female:
The system right now is failing children on some many levels it’s hard to determine who is to blame. On one hand, I’d like to blame the Fathers. If this were happening to women, they’d be writing letters, organizing marches, and voting new people into office. Say what you will about women, but bitches can organize. Fathers seem to be rolling over and dying, but then again, can you blame them? Turning your life into a war zone for a child you’ve barely gotten time to bond with who may just end up hating you anyway seems like a foolish and daunting task.
Interesting read if nothing else. I recommend the article if for enjoyment purposes only. Oh boy, here come the letters…
Technorati Tags: child support, deadbeat dads, system, flawed, custody, children, parents
Looks like last year, was the year to lie to the IRS:
As the peak of the 2006 tax season approached last spring, the IRS discovered that a planned upgrade of the agency computer that red-flags potentially fraudulent tax refunds had failed. The discovery came after the IRS had shut down the older computer. The failure forced the agency to continue processing 2006 tax season returns — and issuing refunds — without its first line of electronic defense against fraud.
USA TODAY’s review found that the IRS lacks a comprehensive plan to recover the $200 million, which the agency said represents far less than 1% of all 2006 tax season refunds. That means most fraudulent filers who got federal checks in 2006 will likely never be caught.
I have only been married for a few months, so maybe someone can tell me how long it takes before a wife stops asking when you plan to fix things. I have my fingers crossed that it stops in a few more weeks.
I’m not even married yet and I don’t anticipate it stopping!
Technorati Tags: marriage
Between now and December 21st, if you are a Netflix member, bring in your Netflix envelope flap for an free in-store rental.
Sounds like a good deal to me. You throw away that part anyway…
Technorati Tags: netflix, blockbuster, rental, in-store, free
My little nephew Trenton is in Minneapolis today for a checkup on his eye surgery he had when he was an infant.
Hopefully everything goes well…
As most of you know or have guessed by now, I am hosting this personal blog at
They have been great so far but the javascript limitation they impose on their users has finally gotten the best of me and I plan to host the wordpress install myself.
Only problem is that all the links to this website use the address.
Now that they have allowed to map your domain to your account I figured I would just point to the site and wait a month or two for everyone to adjust their links and then move behind the scenes with no controversy.
Turns out in order to map your domain to your account (URL) you need to adjust the name servers for your domain which is unacceptable for a few reasons because A:) it will screw up my email at my domain and B:) it will also wreck all of the subdomains I have of (
Anyone have any ideas or is there something I missed? I really have to move this blog once again and loose all the links…
One solution is to import all the stuff into my own install and then leave everything here as well and just use my new install going forward, but it makes things on my end kinda screwy behind the scenes and I’m not sure how long will leave up a blog they think is “in-active”.
Technorati Tags: WordPress, domain, mapping, pickle, problem, support, advice, help
A tragedy like this has been my greatest fear all through life.
It came close about a year ago when my parents house did indeed catch fire, but luckily my dad caught it before it caused much damage.
I still do not leave lights or appliances on when I leave the house, but the idea of my house catching fire haunts me every day…
The Simple Dollar outlines a great list of free software for Windows.
Technorati Tags: free, software, Windows, list, open source