
Technical insanity at its best!

Google Ups the Ante with Audio Captchas

I figured this was just a matter of time until someone implemented this. I wish there was some way to do this based on referrer or browsing habits or something so it was automatic, but then I guess the robots would mimic human behavior anyway…

Captchas were never intended to be purely visual — however, most initial implementations used fuzzy images, and in attempting to lock out automated agents also inadvertently locked out people unable to see the image. As an alternative to these, this past spring Google Services that require verification began to provide an audio alternative — people have the option of listening to a sequence of spoken digits that they then type into a form field to verify to the web application that there is indeed a live human at the other end.

Full Explanation

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Where Your Taxes Go

Eye-opening article on where the tax dollar goes on average.

Each working man or woman is on average forced to pay $3,690 to Social Security and Disability payments. This money is lost to them. There is no bank account or trust fund that holds this money or invests it for anyone’s retirement. The current retirees get all the money and always have. It goes out as fast as it comes in.

And why should these retirees get this money? By what right? They should have provided for their own retirement, not forced it out of each other and their sons and daughters collectively. Moral obligations to parents, the needy, the unfortunate, and the elderly should be met with compassion by each of us. They should not be enforced by the state’s sword.

I have always been a fan of doing away with social security as it is complete nonsense to anyone under the age of 40.

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Create Your Own Local Repository in Ubuntu

APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs (you choose the type of media) with all of the packages you’ve downloaded via APT-GET or APTITUDE, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers.One thing you need to remember this will create backup all the packages installed using apt-get,synaptic because these package arcives are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives

APTonCD will also allow you to automatically create media with all of your .deb packages located in one especific repository, so that you can install them into your computers without the need for an internet conection.

Full Link

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North Dakota; Real History

I found the North Dakota uncyclopedia quite amusing and almost believable in certain areas. Sometimes I wish our reputation amongst the rest of the nation was better, and other times…

not so much!

Sometimes it is nice being able to stay “under the radar”…

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Any Offers?

My blog is worth $14,678.04.
How much is your blog worth?

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Kissing Test

This YouTube video had me cracking up!

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Visual Studio 2005 Express not so mobile

I’ve been playing around with Visual Studio 2005 Express building and proto-typing some client applications. After I had the first application almost ready to go to production (ie: change the database string to use my in house SQL server instead of the local database I was building the project with), I noticed one big problem: VS 2005 Express can only build projects with a local database with no option to link it to a remote or external database.

Needless to say I will have to import the project into a Standard or Professional (read paid) version to finish the project.

The product is a huge update over Visual Studio 2003 edition and the new features are really neat but I think the goofed with the Express edition if they will not allow this simple feat.

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Best Buy Pandemonium

This morning started with us dragging ourselves out of bed at 2 am to go stand in line at the local Best Buy. When we got there about 2:30, we found approximately 100-200 people already in line. We decided whether or not to just go home and back to bed because I didn’t think we had a chance at getting the TV we had our eye on.

We figured since we were already up, we would stand in line. About 4 am the Best Buy workers started handing out tickets and by the time they got to us they didn’t have any more tickets for the TV we wanted but informed us that they had 200 TV’s that they could order from corporate. The only catch was that those same 200 TV’s were to be divided up between 14 stores in the region.

Well we were able to get in line once in the store and were able to get one ordered before they ran out. Hopefully it will be here Wednesday…

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How Rich Are You?

Neat site, but I’m not sure how accurate it is…

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Panasonic Plasma

The TV we picked up this morning at great savings. I can’t wait…

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