
Technical insanity at its best!

Bismarck Gas Prices

Average regular unleaded fuel prices in Bismarck have officially dropped below Grand Forks and Fargo prices, apparently prompted by a small feud, officials say.

“There’s a couple of stores that started this competition, and it’ll continue,” said Mike Rud, president of the North Dakota Petroleum Marketer’s Association.

As of Monday morning, regular unleaded fuel prices were averaging $2.15 a gallon in Bismarck, or $2.185 a gallon in the metropolitan statistical area of Bismarck-Mandan, according to AAA fuel gauge reports.

Fargo was averaging at $2.191 gallon according to AAA, and Grand Forks was at $2.204 a gallon.

Full Link (be prepared for it to rot fast…)

Why can’t they do the same for diesel?

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Two Colored Twins

I bet this don’t happen too often:

In 1993, Wilma Stuart gave birth to two baby boys. They were fraternal twins, so some dissimilarity was to be expected. However, only one of the boys seemed to take after his parents of white Dutch heritage. The other sported a much darker complexion.

Wilma’s pregnancy was due to in-vitro fertilization (IVF), in which her husband’s sperm was combined with her ova in a petri dish. In an unforgivable breach of proper medical procedure, however, the pipette used to transfer material had apparently been reused after a visit from a previous sperm donor. Wilma Stuart’s ova were fertilized by both men, and two of the re-implanted embryos matured into healthy young boys.

Full Article

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Las Vegas Photos now online

The pictures we took in Vegas are now uploaded to flickr.

View them here

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When What You Say Isn’t What You Mean

In my profession, people say the wrong things all the time. They mistake KB for MB, RAM for disk space, etc.

I was thinking today, what if they did this in other areas of life? How embarrassing would it be to wish condolences instead of congratulations to the new chef on opening his own restaurant? Or how about sending your congratulations to a friend on the loss of a loved one?

I always get a kick out of people that try to impress others with their vocabulary and then use the word wrong. This happens more than you think if you take the time to listen to some people.

Here’s some food for thought: Did you know that there is not a word in the English language to describe someone that has a very large vocabulary?

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Funny Comment

Comment on news story on digg titled “Is this the stupidest man alive?” about man who ended up in hospital after lighting a firecracker out of his arse:

No. He is not the stupidest man alive. If Bush could figure out how to light a firecracker, he’d do the same.

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Paid Blogging

Lately the big stir is services such as Review Me which connects advertisers with bloggers who in turn write reviews of their products in exchange for cash.

Personally I don’t like the idea of paid reviews. It create bias. As long as it is noted in the review it is paid I guess it is a good deal for the bloggers but I still do not trust it.

Review Me puts a nice touch to their service that allows the review to be positive or negative and allows the blogger to still be paid, which I think helps to clear any bias reviews.

I still think you should write about products you like because you like them and not because you are getting paid. On another note if you would like me to take a look at your product/service and have the chance that I may post about it for free, let me know in the comments.

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Why You Need to Get Out of Your Home Office Now

I was turned off to this article by the title, as I have done both and the home office has been more profitable in my case but there is one huge point that he makes:

Reason One: A home office is not conducive to hiring employees who will help you substantially increase your income. If your time is worth $500/hr, you shouldn’t be doing work that you can pay someone $20/hr to do.

This has been the hard part. I wish there was office space/conference rooms I could rent on a per day or afternoon basis. This is very common in other areas of the country but not yet here. Maybe I should start something…

Do you know of others like me that would like to rent office space or conference rooms on an occasional basis to meet with clients?

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Darts last night

We had an unbelievable night. We all shot great all night and ending up taking all 13 games. First time anyone had ever seen that. I had a 124 four round out which really stoked me!

We are now number 1 in the league which is really cool since it is my first year in league.

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House Project Update

House project – phase 1 is almost complete. All we have left is the painting and we have the living room already done. The second coat is going on the entryway today and hopefully by tomorrow afternoon the entire project will have 2 coats.

Our new sectional and chase lounge gets delivered this afternoon. I hope there is no problems with it, because I really want some furniture in the living room this weekend…

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Best Buy Black Friday Ad

Looks like it finally hit:

Best Buy Black Friday Ad

I may be in the market for an HDTV this season…

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